[2002/10/02 00:51:18] #net-snmp <hampa> is it possible to turn of the 30 sec cachning for request?
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[2002/10/02 07:53:08] #net-snmp <hampa> hampuss@sydow:~/dev/aptilo/mibs/src$ snmpwalk -v1 localhost:9999 -c private .
[2002/10/02 07:53:08] #net-snmp <hampa> iso. = STRING: "pear tree"
[2002/10/02 07:53:31] #net-snmp <hampa> are that oid correct?
[2002/10/02 07:53:51] #net-snmp <hampa> looks like that hexvalues to oid somehow
[2002/10/02 07:55:11] #net-snmp <rstory> can't tell without the mib... but the .iso.2 part looks suspicious...
[2002/10/02 08:06:20] #net-snmp <hampa> I am using the testhandler.c mib in agent/mibgroup
[2002/10/02 08:07:56] #net-snmp <hampa> it used the mib .
[2002/10/02 08:13:35] #net-snmp <rstory> hmmm... we should probably use real oids from a test mib in that file...
[2002/10/02 08:18:13] #net-snmp <hampa> it was a good start for me though.. It has tables, sets and scalars in it
[2002/10/02 08:18:15] #net-snmp <rstory> yes, the oid is correct, table, tableEntry 1, column 3, index1=1, index2="partridge"=9.112...101
[2002/10/02 08:19:21] #net-snmp <hampa> k... so the index can be a string aswell?
[2002/10/02 08:27:00] #net-snmp <rstory> yep.. you can do something like snmpset -c public .\"partridge\" s "apple tree"
[2002/10/02 08:32:33] #net-snmp <hampa> cool
[2002/10/02 08:33:03] #net-snmp <hampa> any hints on how to do tableEntrys that contain tableEntrys?
[2002/10/02 08:33:26] #net-snmp <rstory> yes... don't do it, as it's not legal syntax
[2002/10/02 08:33:43] #net-snmp <rstory> make a second table with an additional index
[2002/10/02 08:38:25] #net-snmp <hampa> k.. where table.index == subtable.index
[2002/10/02 08:46:44] #net-snmp <rstory> table1.indexA, table2.indexA.indexB
[2002/10/02 08:47:12] #net-snmp <rstory> and even table3.indexA.indexB.indexC
[2002/10/02 08:47:37] #net-snmp <rstory> each 'subtable' shares the indexs of it's parent, plus one (or more) new ones
[2002/10/02 08:53:39] #net-snmp <hampa> ok.. that makes sense
[2002/10/02 09:00:49] #net-snmp <hampa> thanks for your help..
[2002/10/02 09:00:57] #net-snmp <hampa> time to sleep
[2002/10/02 10:27:10] #net-snmp <ua_> Mornin' all
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[2002/10/02 15:11:17] #net-snmp <ua> I'm working on the perl test
[2002/10/02 15:11:27] #net-snmp <ua> s and I'm seeing some strange OID lookup behaviour:
[2002/10/02 15:12:39] #net-snmp <ua> new NetSNMP::OID('system') is ok, new NetSNMP::OID('interfaces') is ok too, but new NetSNMP::OID('sysORTable') returns undef.
[2002/10/02 15:12:43] #net-snmp <ua> why would that be?
[2002/10/02 15:14:48] #net-snmp <ua> wes: speaking of tests, I've completed the perl test refactoring.
[2002/10/02 15:14:51] #net-snmp <ua> I'm testing the tests now
[2002/10/02 15:15:12] #net-snmp <ua> I spoke with about including Test::More with this package and got instructions on how to do that; it's pretty easy.
[2002/10/02 15:15:46] #net-snmp <ua> oh, the other Test::More author is Schwern. He lives with me. He's currently in NY, but he'll be home in a week if I have further questions.
[2002/10/02 15:16:37] #net-snmp <ua> I'll put another diff up on the mailing list today or tomorrow, when I'm satisfied that tests are failing correctly.
[2002/10/02 15:17:45] #net-snmp <ua> ACTION & caffeine
[2002/10/02 16:52:38] #net-snmp <wes> ua: sorry for the delay.
[2002/10/02 16:52:44] #net-snmp <wes> It's been a long week.
[2002/10/02 16:52:46] #net-snmp <wes> still around?
[2002/10/02 16:52:47] #net-snmp <ua> no worries
[2002/10/02 16:52:53] #net-snmp <ua> I figured you'd been hard at work.
[2002/10/02 16:53:01] #net-snmp <wes> that and I think I'm getting sick.
[2002/10/02 16:53:05] #net-snmp <ua> version pushes are generally stressful
[2002/10/02 16:53:05] #net-snmp <wes> leaves me brain dead.
[2002/10/02 16:53:26] #net-snmp <wes> I looked at the last patch you sent.
[2002/10/02 16:53:51] #net-snmp <ua> Didja try em out?
[2002/10/02 16:54:18] #net-snmp <wes> I'm not sure which I'd like to do: redistribute the module (which I'm not really fond of as it means we have to keep it up to date), require users have it (which is right out), or write a wrapper around it's calling.
[2002/10/02 16:54:23] #net-snmp <wes> no, not yet.
[2002/10/02 16:54:35] #net-snmp <wes> but the code was easy enough to follow.
[2002/10/02 16:54:43] #net-snmp <ua> Yeah, Test::More code is tight.
[2002/10/02 16:55:52] #net-snmp <ua> I just got OID.pm to pass 99% of the tests, after patching OID.pm - I just submitted the OID.pm patch to the list.
[2002/10/02 16:56:13] #net-snmp <ua> ASN passes 100%
[2002/10/02 16:56:30] #net-snmp <ua> agent passes 100%
[2002/10/02 16:56:45] #net-snmp <ua> default_store passes 100%
[2002/10/02 16:56:53] #net-snmp <wes> ACTION never finished the agent test (as it required forking and all that magical stuff)
[2002/10/02 16:57:02] #net-snmp <ua> SNMP.... that will take some work.
[2002/10/02 16:57:10] #net-snmp <ua> I think SNMP is passing around 60% now.
[2002/10/02 16:57:16] #net-snmp <wes> ick.
[2002/10/02 17:00:07] #net-snmp <ua> However, I've broken the SNMP tests into 15 files, so they're fairly easy to isolate.
[2002/10/02 17:00:33] #net-snmp <ua> for whatever reason get() and set() aren't passing.
[2002/10/02 17:00:50] #net-snmp <ua> here we go, stand by for paste:
[2002/10/02 17:01:01] #net-snmp <wes> don't do a large paste please
[2002/10/02 17:01:51] #net-snmp <ua> SNMP test output summary: http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/1908
[2002/10/02 17:01:54] #net-snmp <wes> ACTION notes that my get/set cases are working.
[2002/10/02 17:02:03] #net-snmp <ua> yeah, yeah. ;-)
[2002/10/02 17:02:05] #net-snmp <wes> you're in CH?
[2002/10/02 17:02:07] #net-snmp <wes> where?
[2002/10/02 17:02:16] #net-snmp <ua> I'm in Portland, OR, US.
[2002/10/02 17:02:22] #net-snmp <ua> The nopaste server is in .ch.
[2002/10/02 17:02:25] #net-snmp <wes> ah.
[2002/10/02 17:02:32] #net-snmp <ua> The service is used strictly to cut down on IRC flooding.
[2002/10/02 17:03:32] #net-snmp <ua> Anyway, I'm going home in a few minutes. Maybe I'll be able to get the SNMP tests finished tomorrow.
[2002/10/02 17:03:38] #net-snmp <wes> ok.
[2002/10/02 17:03:51] #net-snmp <ua> Oh, why wouldn't sysORTable resolve?
[2002/10/02 17:06:01] #net-snmp <ua> This is the last of the OID tests: I can successfully create new NetSNMP::OID()s for 'system' and 'interfaces', but not 'sysORTable'.
[2002/10/02 17:06:21] #net-snmp <ua> Any ideas?
[2002/10/02 17:09:34] #net-snmp <wes> % perl -MNetSNMP::OID -e 'print new NetSNMP::OID('sysORTable'),"\n";'
[2002/10/02 17:09:34] #net-snmp <wes> sysORTable
[2002/10/02 17:09:52] #net-snmp <wes> uh, works for me?
[2002/10/02 17:10:09] #net-snmp <wes> (make sure you get capatilization correct)
[2002/10/02 17:12:02] #net-snmp <ua> Same command on my system prints a newline
[2002/10/02 17:12:45] #net-snmp <wes> odd.
[2002/10/02 17:12:55] #net-snmp <wes> what about ifTable?
[2002/10/02 17:13:05] #net-snmp <wes> what about SNMPv2-MIB::sysORTable
[2002/10/02 17:13:21] #net-snmp <ua> ifTable works
[2002/10/02 17:14:20] #net-snmp <wes> out of curiosity, what does perl -MSNMP -e 'print $SNMP::MIB{sysLocation}{status},"\n";'
[2002/10/02 17:14:21] #net-snmp <ua> nothing on SNMPv2-MIB::sysORTable
[2002/10/02 17:14:22] #net-snmp <wes> give?
[2002/10/02 17:14:59] #net-snmp <ua> FWIW, perl -le is the same as perl -e 'blah;blah;blah;print "\n"'
[2002/10/02 17:15:08] #net-snmp <ua> prints Mandatory
[2002/10/02 17:15:50] #net-snmp <wes> heh. I hadn't run perl -h in a while I guess.
[2002/10/02 17:16:01] #net-snmp <ua> hee, gotta save those wrists ;-)
[2002/10/02 17:19:19] #net-snmp <ua> Remind me not to dump SNMP::MIB again.
[2002/10/02 17:19:34] #net-snmp <ua> I knew it was big, but this is *huge*
[2002/10/02 17:19:48] #net-snmp <wes> Uh, yeah.
[2002/10/02 17:19:55] #net-snmp <wes> it's a tied-hash
[2002/10/02 17:20:06] #net-snmp <wes> of the entire mib tree
[2002/10/02 17:20:09] #net-snmp <ua> thought so. It was behaving a little strangely
[2002/10/02 17:21:35] #net-snmp <ua> Well, I'm taking off. TTYL
[2002/10/02 17:21:37] #net-snmp <ua> ACTION &
[2002/10/02 17:28:59] #net-snmp <wes> see ya
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