--> Mezo has joined #net-snmp
[2002/10/21 01:31:32] #net-snmp <Mezo> hi
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[2002/10/21 06:14:07] #net-snmp <MezoWork> hi wes ...
[2002/10/21 06:14:14] #net-snmp <wes> hi
[2002/10/21 06:14:41] #net-snmp <MezoWork> Where can I find the patch for table_iterator.c (about memleak ...) I don't find it ...
[2002/10/21 06:14:59] #net-snmp <MezoWork> I have just find a patch for snmp_client
[2002/10/21 06:15:06] #net-snmp <wes> um, one sec.
[2002/10/21 06:20:59] #net-snmp <wes> MezoWork: what's your email address and I'll forward the message to you
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[2002/10/21 07:39:48] #net-snmp <kary> hello, I've been using ucd-snmp 4.2.x on Solaris 5.1, 6, 7 and 8 for a couple of years now and it works great.
[2002/10/21 07:41:00] #net-snmp <kary> We are going to Solaris 9 in the near future. I am compiling ucd-snmp 4.2.x fine on this platform, but am receiving this error: "init_kmem: kvm_open failed: Error 0"
[2002/10/21 07:41:31] #net-snmp <kary> I saw this in the mailing list archives, but with no resolution. Does anyone have any words of advise?
[2002/10/21 07:44:31] #net-snmp <rstory> post a message to the mailing list saying 'me too' and hope it prods one of our solaris experts to fix the problem?
[2002/10/21 07:46:47] #net-snmp <kary> ah, gotcha
[2002/10/21 07:47:24] #net-snmp <rstory> unless, of course, you happen to be a solaris expert and can fix it and send us a patch! ;-)
[2002/10/21 07:49:13] #net-snmp <rstory> are you just using the standard agent, or do you have a custom mib you are trying to access? we might be able to get the agent up and running, minus some mib support, if that helps you...
[2002/10/21 07:49:40] #net-snmp <kary> just the standard agent
[2002/10/21 07:50:46] #net-snmp <rstory> ok, then you probably want to wait for the real fix... I'm assuming you are trying the latest 4.x version, 4.2.5?
[2002/10/21 07:51:56] #net-snmp <kary> 4.2.6 I believe, but I've tried several others including 4.2.5
[2002/10/21 07:52:27] #net-snmp <rstory> ah, ok. 4.2.6 must have come out over the weekend...
[2002/10/21 09:32:57] #net-snmp <jbpn> kary:
[2002/10/21 09:33:18] #net-snmp <jbpn> kary: for 4.2.6, copy s/solaris2.8.h to s/solaris2.9.h
[2002/10/21 09:39:04] #net-snmp <jbpn> kary: for 5.0.n, copy include/net-snmp/system/solaris2.8.h to include/net-snmp/system/solaris2.9.h
[2002/10/21 09:44:23] #net-snmp <kary> ok thanks, I'll try that
[2002/10/21 09:45:43] #net-snmp <kary> I have a 64-bit kernel and I'm seeing some 32-bit vs. 64-bit problems, I think. Copying these header files will clear the problem up you think?
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[2002/10/21 09:46:21] #net-snmp <kary> I'll play with it after lunch and see, thanks
[2002/10/21 09:53:46] #net-snmp <jbpn> Hmm, no, this shouldn't affect 32/64 bit issues.
[2002/10/21 09:54:17] #net-snmp <jbpn> But it does cause the kvm_open failed error
[2002/10/21 11:22:51] #net-snmp <kary> That was it. Thanks a heap!
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[2002/10/21 11:55:33] #net-snmp <mali[x]> hi
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[2002/10/21 15:18:37] #net-snmp <rstory> wes: how is engineID determined?
[2002/10/21 15:19:24] #net-snmp <rstory> I'm trying to run snmp inside two user-mode-linux boxes, and they are both using the same engineID..
[2002/10/21 15:20:03] #net-snmp <wes> then they have the same psudeo rand init() and same notion of time()
[2002/10/21 15:20:05] #net-snmp <rstory> they both have different IP addrs...
[2002/10/21 15:20:05] #net-snmp <wes> unlikely
[2002/10/21 15:20:15] #net-snmp <wes> is time totally odd in them?
[2002/10/21 15:20:41] #net-snmp <rstory> hmm... is engineID created at each run time, or only the first (and then oldEngineID is used??)
[2002/10/21 15:20:53] #net-snmp <wes> it's created once and then re-used.
[2002/10/21 15:20:59] #net-snmp <rstory> what do you mean by totally odd?
[2002/10/21 15:21:07] #net-snmp <wes> so if you copied the persistent file, then that's what's hosing you.
[2002/10/21 15:21:42] #net-snmp <rstory> hhmm... I'll try nuking it and starting from scratch.. that may be it..
[2002/10/21 15:21:42] #net-snmp <wes> (ie, don't do it)
[2002/10/21 15:23:10] #net-snmp <rstory> should deleting oldEngineID be sufficent? (w/a restart, of course)
[2002/10/21 15:29:45] #net-snmp <wes> yes, but you need to delete the users too.
--> jbpn has joined #net-snmp

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