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[2004/04/19 07:49:00] #net-snmp <antifuchs> hi all
[2004/04/19 07:50:11] #net-snmp <antifuchs> strange. did the "pass" interface to external scripts change from 5.0.8 to 5.1.x?
[2004/04/19 07:50:41] #net-snmp <antifuchs> I get noSuchInstance when I try to query these OIDs on a 5.1.1 agent; the same config file & scripts work with 5.0.8
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[2004/04/19 14:42:14] #net-snmp <Norman> are there any net-snmp developers here?
[2004/04/19 14:43:02] #net-snmp <Norman> i'm trying to find out why i can't use snmptrapd in a script.... i can start the process, but when i try to stop it, it refuses to stop!
[2004/04/19 14:44:36] #net-snmp <rstory> how are you running it in the script?
[2004/04/19 14:46:21] #net-snmp <Norman> using php's proc_open. it looks like it fork/execs a second process
[2004/04/19 14:47:05] #net-snmp <Norman> even though i close all the pipes going to the daemon, it still hangs when i try to close it
[2004/04/19 14:47:19] #net-snmp <Norman> and it appears to be snmptrapd specific... other binaries behave as expected
[2004/04/19 14:48:01] #net-snmp <rstory> add a '-f' to the command line arguments
[2004/04/19 14:48:08] #net-snmp <Norman> tried that too
[2004/04/19 14:51:10] #net-snmp <Norman> any other ideas?
[2004/04/19 14:51:20] #net-snmp <rstory> how are you trying to close it?
[2004/04/19 14:52:51] #net-snmp <Norman> calling php's proc_close....
[2004/04/19 14:53:01] #net-snmp <Norman> unfortunately i don't know the internals. i would assume it sends sigterm and waits
[2004/04/19 14:53:19] #net-snmp <rstory> and if it looks like it is still forking another process, then it's not getting the '-f' option
[2004/04/19 14:54:00] #net-snmp <Norman> would this extra process show up in ps-aux?
[2004/04/19 14:54:27] #net-snmp <rstory> you could try adding log statements to see if it's handling signals
[2004/04/19 14:54:50] #net-snmp <rstory> yes, it i think it would show up
[2004/04/19 15:18:37] #net-snmp <Norman> rstory: thanks for your help. it turns out that the proc_close function doesn't actually send a sigterm
[2004/04/19 15:18:47] #net-snmp <Norman> so of course the trap server keeps running...
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[2004/04/19 17:33:18] #net-snmp <rstory> wes: encode_keychange.c:219: parse error before '}' token
[2004/04/19 18:37:11] #net-snmp <wes> rstory: fixed
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